How juvenile are you?

I was randonmly having a thought yesterday. Most of us have the most juvenile of email addresses. Examples? oreolover@,juicyducks_tasty@,tricky_boogie@, and the kicker my own mercybringer@ (gees i was at a really holy point in my life,give a guy a break)(Shut up boys i was holy,i was a altar server for pete's sake!) (EDIT:AM not WAS)

so yeah..

Then i got to thinking. How did i end up with an email add like that and i realised just how much i've missed from when i was a kid. Well not exactly a kid it was probably around form 2. And i realise ghow thankful i really am for having an email add that has the magical power of digging up my past. I mean I've grown. We all. But it's nice being reminded of times when people were less matured (some still are,you know who you are,don't deny it,liar)or perhaps when you were.

Pretty soon were all going to make a new more (gah) professional email add. I already have mine. Beacuse god-forbid 30 years from now you go

You:Yes Mr. Gates I'll have my people contact your people via tele conference next thursday GMT. Owh my email add?



SO yeah. But it's a nice reminder. So if you have a goofy MSN email add. Wear it loud and wear it proud =) Have a great weekend..

Owh song of the week?

Augustana - Sunday Best

(I have a poem swimming in my head about juvenile addresses that probably will be up soon)(I blame it on pre-finals stress,gah tons of microbio left to do and all i can think of are witty email address's please O' body of mine do not self combust in horror....haaaaah)