Not a creature was stirring not even a mouse,
But Jeremy lay awake for some unknown damn reason,
Perhaps it was the headache during this hangover season,
Then an omnious rumble pulled him out from his bed,
Twas the sound of a tummy that prayed to be fed,
To the kitchen he went as the floor seemed to spin,
Damn you whiskey,damn you wine,and damn most of all gin,
The refrigerator door open and lo and behold,
The turkey was finished the stuffing was mold,
Then a noise from the hall creeped the fuck out of Jeremy,
Can't be Santa he thought there ain't no stupid chimmney,
Tiptoe down to the hall and he paused to think,
A strange clicking sound was the lock being picked?,
Should i give the police an emergency call?,
Nah the Rempits are out for a holiday ball,
So he rolled up a newspaper his natural reaction,
The New Straits Times was hardly a weapon, perhaps a distraction,
He pounced on the Christmas tree from two stairs above,
He blushed as he saw two cicaks making love,
"I'm sorry" he said as he quickly withdrew,
Even lizards need their privacy too,
And he went back to bed cursing under his breath,
He intruded on sex instead of preventing a theft,
And just as he slept with AIMST in his mind,
Santa came and left a present behind,
In the morning for Jeremy lay under the tree,
Wasn't the gift he was hoping for Miss Belinda Chee (from 8tv),
A note and some 100 plus in place of a toy,
Merry Christmas!This is for the hangover,boy!. Love Santa.
Merry Christmas everyone and a Happy New Year!