The fairness of life..

Why are there those that cry,
Why do sudden feelings die,

And yet you are a comfort in the snow.

Why are there those who stay hungry at night,
An unknown voice unheard in plight,

Yet you are always listening.

Wandering souls seen always lost,
Wrought with pain they bear the cost; mistakes in life they bear,

Yet you are there.

Why are not all babies allowed to live,
So young but lives surrendered to give; away for no one,

Yet you take them home.

The crying mother weeps for her son,
The worried son has come undone,

Yet you have the answers.

If I am as good a man as I am told,
Then why do i always face the cold; like i am now,alone.

Yet your heart I will make a home.


chelseaorange said...

your unstructured rhyming is very disturbing. yet somewhat enjoyable.

treeeeeeeee-----na! said...

hey..what's with the poem? really emo-ing...hehehe...dun fret too much bout the positive!