Classes have just started ....

Owh God my classmates are GREAT!!!(sarcastic)....i math lecturers are real shitty...AND I NEED HELP IN MATHS FOR PETE'S SAKE!!!as you can tell my posts are all mostly sad and crappy these past few days so hoo to me...this has now become a pessimistic blog for the moment...unless u find the dark and macabre english lecturer is ok...but err..well my maths one..i dozed of in her class and the next thing i hear is..WHY ARE YOU SLEEPIN IN MY CLASS!!WHATS YOUR NAME!!!AND I WILL REMEMEBER YOUR NAME TILL THE YEAR ENDS!!!great...i just love this feelin im gettin...the im gonna stab a lil aniumal feelin..woo hoo...well classes have just started mayb things will warm upo later..usin shorthand lingo now to save time since i dont have much to use here in the student centre..owh for wireless to get up and running....