Sigh going back to college..

Its a sad day..its 1.20 so im oficially leaving back for malacca tomorro.

For all my gripin n groanin bout bein bored at home.I DONT WANA LEAVE!!!Im gonna miss my comp,tv,my mums cookin,my mom's naggiN,MY MUM!!I'm a sad self confessed mama's boy.N daddy's boy.I'm sure gona miss his lame jokes.And his pot shots at his cleanly shaven bald head.HE's so proud of it ='(

Hmm im gettin emo.I mean when yo take the city away from the city boy.What do you have left??Owh and Cheah i owe you 17 bucks so you sure as hell better come and yam cha wen i come back.Damn do or die im comin back on friday.Il use he 'i need to get some stuff in kl' as an excuse.

Miss Trinna as well.Wont be seein her for some time. Only got to see her for Spiderman Man.Gosh and her birthday party next weekend.And i havta meet her parents *sweat sweat*

i am so gona miss KL.The big aple of Malaysia.THE BIG DURIAN!!I SHALL MISS YOU!!At least till i bring my laptop there.At least i can stay in touch through MSN then.If only i could drive to coll.Life would be so much better.

Owh well..its back to the ulu jungle for this city boy.But as they say.....YOU CAN TAKE THE BOY OUT OF THE CITY,,BUT YOU'LL NEVER TAKE THE CITY OUT OF THE BOY!!!!!!!!!