Woot Spain..

Well as sad as it is thet Italy are out I'm glad Spain are in the finals...
Owh it's good seein Fabregas tearin up the field.I cant wait to see his form in the EPL!!

Man i can just imagine if Arsene Wenger actually could manage to get David Villa over. What a combo!!

Hmm well it's wierd being single again. I'm definitely not used to it. But i guess its nice to be a bachelor again. A big thank you to Alwin for reminding me how nice it is to a bachelor again. (But dude you don't count ur taken!!)Cant balme her.She was going through a tough time and needed time alone. I respect that.


Owh well i wish uni would start soon!I wish i had gotten a better course in IPTA. A degree in forest conservation in Sabah is just a waste of my time. So im goin to AIMST and man i can't wait. I hear its eal nice but why does the intake have to be so far away. September!!!And im too lazy to go job huntin. Hmm. Sucks seein everyone bein so busy wit uni or jobs. Maybe to much freedom is never a good thing..


Steph^^ said...

You old man. Youre saying that sabah is a waste of your time?? Or the degree??! Either ways, it's Sabah. Hmph.