Fight Club...

Fight Club..
What a movie.I'd write a review.But i doubt it would do justice.
Watch it is all i can say...Because no reviewer can ever do justice to it..

Never have i ever watched a movie that had nihilism or existentialism painted so perfectly. I could not take my eyes of it.Except to pause between dialogues to digest a sentence that seems to speak straight at my beliefs. And then have a short discussion on who i'd hit with a fellow anarchist. (Thanks for intro-in the movie by the way you Ocd-in insomniac)

How can a catholic accept views of existentialism and nihilism? I have yet to find an answer for that. But I'm looking.

Words just seem to spring out at me.Cigarette burns. Bitch tits.Space monkeys.

Experience Mayhem people.

-It is when you lose everythig,that you can do anything-

Tyler Durden


chelseaorange said...

"i'd hit you because you'd get it,"

"i'd hit you just to see if you'd hit me back. but you sorta ruined that,"

treeeeeeeee-----na! said...

how's fight club fanatic u doin??? huhu