The rain...

So here I am in the library right? And I’m supposed to be studying. And then it starts to pour. And the lil’ artistic side of me that has been repressed for ages. Well he got a hold of me and hacked his way out.

So exhibit A:

And exhibit B:

Yeah I'm not on top of my game in th editing department but i think this deserves an entry into my ancient deviant art account.

On a side note. I'm starting on a new book. The title? On Evil by Adam Morton. Seems to hold the promises of a few occupied days here in AIMST as everyone leaves for the Deepavali hols. It has this to say on the back "Evil occurs when internal mental barriers against it break down". Very promising.

Sigh.I miss my weekend in Penang.


treeeeeeeee-----na! said...

i miss the weekend too... and btw..ur artsy skills is still intact. u do good with the graphic work..really...