Life here...(cont)

Well its been a week and life here is settling in.

Im in such deep shit here.
Have only left 5 bucks in my wallet.
And when i tried to withdraw using my maybank card from the bsn atm...IT DIDN WORK!!!!

I hav to budget 5 bucks for the next few days till i can get to a bank in town.OMG IM TARVIN HERE!

Besides not bringing my shoes.I brought 2 gallons of clothes softener.AND NO POWDER SOAP FOR THE WASHING MACHINE!!!

I need to go back this weekend though im wonderin how. But im getting the hang of things.

Classes just started.And studies here are tough.Seriously.One chapter takes only one hour to concluded when it normally takes days in school.Plus ive never studied in english before anyway.So im totally lost as to what to study.


Well im adaptin.